Its Raining Cats and Dogs
According to Richard Lederer, in England in the 1500's, when it was raining hard the streets
were like rivers. So the peoplewere known to throw their dead cat's and dog's into the street to wash away. This is the literal explanation during the middle ages why its raining cats and dogs.
Also back then, the houses had thatched roofs and the animals would seek shelter there. They went there to stay warm and dry, but when it rained they came sliding off the roof. That is also where it's raining cat's and dog's came from. Back in the dark ages, cats were veiwed to be associated with storms, especially the Norse storm.The black cat was connected to witches. Dogs were associated with winds because of the howling. During this era, most explanations delt with death. The orgin of this phrase is still not fully documended.