The term redneck dates back to around the 1830's.
Redneck originally started out being a tale that referred to striking coal miners who wore red bandannas as a means of group identification.
Another way that the tern redneck is used from those who had sunburn necks from working in the fields all day.
Today's modern term redneck means more Southern, rural, white member of the laboring class and a disparaging reference to the dialect.
A redneck is often portrayed as slow, shallow in thought, and regulated to the rural areas.
I feel that the term of redneck is going through another change in that people are becoming proud to be from a farming or rule area who while not as smart as some big city fok are hard working and devoted to the family with a get it done attude
rule = rural? Confusing run-on sentence? Sounds like we found ourselves a redneck right here with Mike! The issue is not being smart -- it's being well read, curious about the rest of the world, and not afraid to admit mistakes.
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